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God moves in mysterious ways. So do Godmen.
It’s not often that the long arm of the law manages to shake hands with India’s powerful godmen and women. But on Sunday, 25 May 2008, as the political vacuum in Karnataka was being filled, Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji, the postman turned pontiff considered to be an avatar of Lord Dattatreya, got a rare look at the pokey insides of a police station in the midst of celebrations of his 66th birthday.
According to news reports, the swamiji was arrested and summoned to the Vidyaranyapuram police station in Mysore “much to the consternation of his devotees”, for interrogation in connection with a land dispute with Dr Anil Kumar, who runs the Village Palate restaurant next to the swamiji’s sprawling ashram on the Mysore-Ooty highway. The swamji’s attorney, however, says he was only summoned, not arrested.
Dr Anil Kumar had filed a criminal complaint alleging encroachment of his land, and a part of government land, by the trust headed by the swamiji, whose USP is the use of music as a healing agent. The 120,000 square feet plot (survey No. 106/2&3) that the doctor is fighting for, is now under the custody of the ashram which is running a hospital there.
Although he has been around for over three decades, the Telugu-speaking swamiji’s star rose during the reign of P.V. Narasimha Rao as prime minister.
Photograph: Karnataka Photo News
Also read: The The Great Great Sri Sri Scam Scam
Tags: Churumuri, P.V. Narasimha Rao, Avadhoota Datta Peetam, Lord Dattatreya, Dr S.R. Anil Kumar, Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji
This entry was posted on 26 May 2008 at 8:35 pm and is filed under Issues and Ideas, Kannada & Karnataka, Mysore-Bangalore, People. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
131 Responses to “God moves in mysterious ways. So do Godmen.”
1. Bhamy V Shenoy Says:
26 May 2008 at 9:49 pm
Congratulation to Churumuri for bringing this to the notice of the public. Why are other local news papers silent?
When Kanchi Swami was taken into police custody some years back, media went after that with venegence. Of course the charges were serious involving murder.
Even though in this case charges are not serious, news is significant for several reasons. First it is a common man who succeeded in exposing the land deal which many were suspecting all this time. Second the swamiji involved is not a run of the mill one like in Kerala, but some one whose followers/admirers included the likes of former PM and former President. Also no politician who comes to Mysore can go without paying visit to this swamiji. How come then the local well known papers have not published this important news item?
This clearly shows that media is very selective in what they print. They are afraid of offending famous personalities and they do not want to publish news items even when the public should know about it.
2. Narayana Says:
26 May 2008 at 11:00 pm
When you have a president who speaks to ghosts you can as well have music making godmen.
3. jeevarathna Says:
26 May 2008 at 11:08 pm
When you have devotees like KBG, how can you expect him to allow the news in his papers ?
But Deccan Herald has reported:
4. Gouri Satya Says:
27 May 2008 at 12:24 am
According to some sources, the Swamiji was asked to come to the police station. Initially, he agreed but later went back on his promise, resulting in the police taking him to custody. After taking a statement from him, he was released on bail at the police station. It appears the land documents were found forged during investigations.
5. Pulikeshi the Last Says:
27 May 2008 at 12:39 am
We needed our own version of the Kanchi seer. Now we have one.
6. Doddi Buddi Says:
27 May 2008 at 12:57 am
Thank you, Churumuri. Editors like KBG and his admirers take note: you cannot have selective journalism. Sometimes I wonder how apt the old saw, “Birds of a feather stick together!” Here we have Postman turned Godman Swamiji, KBG, Dr. Jihadi Nayeem, Dr. Dubious Bonesetter Rao and a few more :)
7. Vitlan Potli Says:
27 May 2008 at 2:51 am
Can someone please provide the full life history of this swamiji. The only thing known about this man is that he was a postman before he became a godman. When did he make the big leap and how?What is his trick in attracting devotees?
8. Bhamy V Shenoy Says:
27 May 2008 at 4:08 am
Thanks for giving reference to Deccan Herald.
How can we get more information on this land deal?
How did Anil Kumar succeed when similar attempt to expose Ravi Shankar in Kanakapur has not succeeded? Hope some one in Bangalore will be inspired by Anil Kumar’s efforts.
Will police commissioner and MCC commissioner be transferred to avoid any possible problem to the swamiji?
9. gagan Says:
27 May 2008 at 9:03 am
i am happy deccan herald has reported the news. and the hindu had reported 2 days ago and even today.
And a good development in this way is that the case is being handed over to CoD for further inquiries.
As Bhamy V Shenoy pointed out, the importance of this news has been ignored. The same newspapers are very well publishing big big photos of swamiji playing veene and his naada mantapa. Does this swami also pay to press people like Yash Raj films and IPL people?
And one more thing.. i have seen and been seeing many photos in which our sangeetha kalanidhis and vidwaans are standing below this money-order post master swamiji and receiving gifts. Why do these vidwaan’s under rate themselves so badly by attending his functions?
the caption used by churumuri is very nice ;-)
i remember some 5-6 years ago, there was a big function in his aashrama. And a former president was seen falling into this swami’s feet.
10. gagan Says:
27 May 2008 at 9:06 am
yesterday prajavani has reported a very interesting story about how the “very intelligent” photographers managed to click the photos of swami being arrested.
the photographers all were in media centre. and somehow the news of swami’s arrest reached the photographers. They rushed to the spot. And the police officers made sure that they arrested the swami and took him from back door (like kumaranna). But the intelligent photographers knew that the police would try this trick and they rushed to the back door and took the photos.
now the question is… why did the police arrest and take him from the back door and not the front door? swamiji being a citizen of india needs to be arrested in a dignified way from front door and not back door.
11. rama Says:
27 May 2008 at 9:13 am
Its something which you wont find in SOM!
Godmen in Kerala are facing a tough time. Frauds like Amrutha Chaithanya, Bhadrananada who are behind bars have made life miserable for small time Sadhoos too! DYFI is all bound to cut hair and beard of such ‘offenders’.
Was jus wondering if it can happen outside Kerala.
12. rama Says:
27 May 2008 at 9:14 am
This Swamiji has pet deers in his backyard. Does forest department give permission to individuals or trusts to keep wild animals?
13. Aashadabhoothi Says:
27 May 2008 at 11:00 am
The swami has encroached the forest and agricultural land at the foothills of Chamundi hills. There have been many cases by Betel leaf farmers against him. He has also encroached land in Sangam and near Nandi Hills. But this man has powerful lobbies protecting him. The former prime minister PV Narasimha Rao was his chela. It was during his tenure this fellow skyrocketed to fame. Since his demise it has been a bit low. But he still has many moneyed Naidus and Reddy landsharks who are his patrons and for whom he is the private bank.
He now projects himself through his Healing through Music stuff. This swami is a horrible singer and has no talent. Someone here asked why do eminent Musicians and artists go to him. Musicians and artists will go to anyone who patronizes them and showers them with Gifts (Read Money) and awards. It is a kind of sanctury he has provided for them. He also has this japanese bonsai Garden which he is making into as a tourist attraction in Mysore.
This crook and his followers claim that the swami has powers over the fire element and during every Shivaratri he stands inside a homakunda and comes out unscathed. This was challenged and debunked by the Rationalists and they asked him to prove this in controlled conditions. This is a simple trick for even ordinary magicians to perform. Ganapathi swami chickened out of this challenge and now he underplays this miracle.
In 1998 Ganapathi swami fractured his leg in a car accident near Srirangapatna. He was giving darshan to his devotees from the Hospital itself. We should wonder why an avtar who supposedly has so many miracously should get into such accidents.
When will these Swamis like Ganapathi swami and Sri Sri Ravishankar brought to book. With so many powerful moneyed lobbies with vested intrests protecting them there is not much hope.
14. Koppal Haida Says:
27 May 2008 at 11:32 am
I think its wrong to compare Ravishankar with Mr Gardhaba gaana swamiji. Sri Sri doesnt atleast lay claims to miracles ala ganapati, sai baba or benny hinn
15. suri Says:
27 May 2008 at 1:57 pm
Every So called SAINT has a past and EVERY Sinner will have a FUTURE.
16. gagan Says:
27 May 2008 at 6:15 pm
i had heard this great swami’s “pravachana” on SITI cable those days… here is a sample of his ramayana story:
“aamele enaaytu andre… ee mangagaLella marakke hOgi koothkonDo… yaake andre avu kapugaLu… aamele enaaytappa andre… jana ella bandbuTTRuuuu… aamele ee vayya bandbuTTaaa”
i had seen this swamiji playing piano (synthesizer) on tv. Any drama company master or amateur with some harmonium practice can play piano with some practice.
And i was FASCINATED to see this swami playing a VEENE also!!! Dont know if a kishore Kumar was sitting behind this swami and playing the veene in reality… Remember that song “mere saamne vaali khidki me ek chaand ka tukda rehta hai” … While kishore kumar sings, sanjay dutt moves his lips.. and here we have swami pretending as if playing a veene.. and some man behind doing the real work.. or else some CD player doing the work even more easily.
Now we can sing:
“mere saamne waali beTTada tappalalli,
ek kalla swaami singing kartaa hai…
afsos yeh hai ke inke hazaaar
devotees kehlaake aate hai…
former president bhi aakar chale gaye
Narasimha rao bhi garajkar mar gaya!!
par iskaa sabhi adaaon pe
saare log bakra ban gaye
kab yeh chor chalega central jail?
hum sab intezaar karte hai”
how’s the new song?
if His Holiness shri shri ganapathi sachchidananda allows me, i can sing it for him better than Kishore Kumar in his NAAAADA MANTAPA…
17. Not A Witty Nick Says:
27 May 2008 at 7:33 pm
suri… what’s about this “saint”u?
18. Not A Witty Nick Says:
27 May 2008 at 7:37 pm
btw… that doc has been fighting the swami for almost a decade and a half…
wasn’t that original ashrama space donated by Khodays because it was under dispute?
Mysore Mail reported it on that day itself and The Hindu too reported the next day.
KBG too, must have parked some of his wealth with the seer.
19. govinda Says:
27 May 2008 at 8:23 pm
For the information of Vitlan Potli:
One of my teacher told us this story many years ago. When our teacher was doing B.Sc., most of their classmates came from rural area. The students would get money from their villages. One postmaster was involved in a big scam where he deceived students and other people of their money orders. This money order mini-scam was exposed and people gave “dharmadetu” to this postmaster. The postmaster was suspended from his service.
Later after 2-3 months, one fine morning some of the friends of my teacher came to his room and told him that a man had seen god recently and is worshipping a ganapati (not KB Ganapathi) idol. And if they visit this man and his idol, they can easily pass their exams.
My teacher went to see this god-man. He was surprised that the postmaster who was eating up money order money was now doing the pooja.
20. rama krishna Says:
27 May 2008 at 9:33 pm
21. Not A Witty Nick Says:
27 May 2008 at 10:28 pm
HH Guguru himself told a packed audience in his ashrama that he was not a postman but only a “sorter”, a guy who only sorted mails and did other menial stuff.
He too like many gurus went to Himalayas seeking solace and came back enlightened.
22. govinda Says:
28 May 2008 at 12:49 am
Mr. Rama Krishna, you say media people are publishing wrong news!
So you mean to say swamiji getting arrested itself was a wrong news?? We have a photo of your great swamiji getting arrested. And the case has been filed a decade ago. Today’s The Hindu reported that there is clinching evidence to prove your swamiji’s involvement in forgery. MCC commissioner after going through the report has recommended for a probe.
And what was the need for you to type completely in UPPER CASE… Your reply seems to like an essay written by class 4th student…
Write an essay on cow:
cow.. cow is a very great animal. it has 4 legs. 2 frontward. 2 backward. it has one tail behind. cow helps the man by giving a milks and milkman sales the milk to people to drink (mix water also). cow does number 2 is called sagani. it is used by my ajji for making and hitting on wall and dried up and boiling water. cow is great.
thats why you are here now!!
first list out the names of at least 100 diseases names which you know. If this is the case, we can close the dodda aaspathre (KR hospital). And we can start airing live music from Datta Peetha into akashavani and cure thousands of patients without medicine. Can you ask HIS HOLINESS to perform at KR Hospital general ward?
did you mean “on the part” .. ok which part :P …
And one more thing. Music can be performed anywhere. Why cant your swamiji go on streets singing with a tamboori like purandara daasa and kanaka daasa and enlighten the people (since he is kind to all the citizens). Why does he choose to perform only at his palace like naada mantapa? And if he is kind to all people, why only officials, VIP’s and rich people are allowed inside.
23. Gouri Satya Says:
28 May 2008 at 1:01 am
It is question of time how long the officer who probed into the land scam and found forged documents would be retained in Mysore. Soon after the new Government takes over, he will be the first transfer-casualty, gossip is going round official corridors.
24. Vitlan Potli Says:
28 May 2008 at 4:55 am
Thanks, but whats vexing is, how is that a dismissed “sorter” get devotees? are people that stupid to accept this man with such a background
25. Sandesh Says:
28 May 2008 at 5:00 am
@Not A Witty Nick
Sir, “Sorter” is certainly not a menial job…..In fact, in most post office’s it is done by a postman him/her self.
Ee swamy enagidru annodu yaake eega? Enu madidar(n)e anta nodi saaku…
26. Sandesh Says:
28 May 2008 at 5:06 am
I am not a supporter of this or any other swamy… But why bring up unnecessary issues instead of sticking to the topic?
Avn(r)a hinde yaaru pungi oodtare, yaaru tabla barstaro namgyaake? Moreover, if he can’t play piano(synthesizer) is it to be taken that he can’t play a veena either?
Vishaya mataDi swamy andre eneno kyaate tegitiralla….
27. Not A Witty Nick Says:
28 May 2008 at 8:39 am
“Sorting and other menial jobs” was told by his ghoulishness himself.
Sorry, I did not mean to offend postmen of the world!
Ee swamy enagidru annodu yaake eega? Enu madidar(n)e anta nodi saaku…
adu sarine … why damn those papa people associated with him in his poorvashrama.
28. KnowledgeSeeker Says:
28 May 2008 at 9:00 am
I am not surprised to see lots of people languishing under the darkness of ignorance.
For all the frnds here, It is time for us to come out of the darkness of ignorance and see the light of knowledge.
All the people who are raising a hue and cry here and making baseless allegations, please care to pay a visit to swamiji to understand swamiji and dattapeetham.
Instead of sitting in front of ur pc’s and typing some useless crap, go thru the website http://www.dattapeetham.com and if ur in Mysore, visit the ashram.
Search on google for Music therapy and Sri Swamiji’s contribution to it.
You will get to know of the truth yourself.
Coming to the press, I dont understand why different newspapers are publishing different versions of the episode.